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January 26, 2024 at 5:00 AM
by Dr. Mike Thomann
Pearl Joe Naccarato going for a stroll at aaapetservices

Title: Advancements in Orthopedic Surgery: Dr. Thomann's Innovative Approach to ACL Repair


In the ever-evolving field of orthopedic surgery, Dr. Thomann has been at the forefront, pioneering new techniques to enhance the healing and post-surgical recovery of patients undergoing extracapsular ACL repair. One of his groundbreaking methods involves the integration of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) intrarticular injections, revolutionizing the way we approach ACL injuries.

The Extracapsular ACL Repair:

Dr. Thomann's expertise lies in extracapsular ACL repair, a surgical procedure designed to restore stability to the knee joint by reconstructing the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). This technique addresses not only the structural damage but also focuses on promoting optimal healing for a quicker recovery.

The Role of PRP Intrarticular Injections:

What sets Dr. Thomann's approach apart is the incorporation of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) intrarticular injections. PRP is a concentration of platelets derived from the patient's own blood, rich in growth factors that stimulate tissue repair and regeneration. By injecting PRP directly into the joint, Dr. Thomann aims to accelerate the healing process, reduce inflammation, and enhance overall recovery.

Benefits of the Combined Approach:

1. **Faster Healing**: The synergistic effect of extracapsular ACL repair and PRP injections accelerates the healing timeline, allowing patients to regain functionality sooner than traditional methods.

2. **Reduced Inflammation**: PRP's anti-inflammatory properties help minimize postoperative swelling and discomfort, contributing to a more comfortable recovery experience.

3. **Tissue Regeneration**: The growth factors in PRP promote the regeneration of damaged tissues, optimizing the overall outcome of the ACL repair procedure.

4. **Improved Range of Motion**: Patients undergoing this combined approach often experience improved range of motion earlier in their recovery, enhancing their ability to return to normal activities.

Patient Success Stories:

Numerous patients have benefited from Dr. Thomann's innovative approach. Testimonials highlight not only the successful ACL repair but also the surprisingly swift and smooth recovery experienced with the integration of PRP intrarticular injections.


Dr. Thomann's commitment to advancing orthopedic surgery is evident in his holistic approach to ACL repair. The combination of extracapsular ACL repair and PRP intrarticular injections offers patients a more efficient, comfortable, and successful recovery journey. As medical science continues to progress, Dr. Thomann's pioneering methods stand as a testament to the positive impact that innovation can have on patient outcomes in orthopedic surgery.